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Parent Handbook

In District 15, all records, except health, reports of individual testing, records of other student services, and suspension, are kept in the student's cumulative folder. Health records are maintained in the Health Services Office. Records of case study evaluation testing and other student services records are kept in the Student Services Department with copies also maintained in the office of the principal. Suspension records are maintained in the Superintendent's Office.

Authorized District 15 personnel who have access to the student records are: the principal of the school the child attends, teachers working with the student, and instructional or student services personnel or administrators involved in serving the child. The records of students who are enrolled in public or private school programs outside the school district are made available to personnel who work with the students in those programs. The laws also specify certain state and federal officials who may have access to the files if the use of the records is consistent with the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

All student records may be examined by the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s) who also may obtain copies of the records. A parent/guardian wishing to read the records or obtain copies must make a written Consent for Release of Information request to  A written request can be submitted to

Questions about student records should be directed to the principal of the school your child attends or to the Student Services Department District Records Custodian, Mindy McGuffin, Ed.D., 847-963-3149, or the Records Specialist, Sharon Lewis, 847-963-3167.

Consent for Release of Information (English form)    Consent for Release of Information (Spanish form)

Rights Concerning School Student Records

This notice contains a description of your and your child’s rights concerning school student records.

A school student record is any writing or other recorded information concerning a student and by which a student may be individually identified that is maintained by a school or at its direction or by a school employee, regardless of how or where the information is stored, except for certain records kept in a staff member’s sole possession; records maintained by law enforcement officers working in the school; video and other electronic recordings that are created in part for law enforcement, security, or safety reasons or purposes; and electronic recordings made on school buses. The District maintains two types of school records for each student: permanent record and temporary record.