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Our School

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Our school serves a diverse population of approximately 800 students (kindergarten through sixth grade). Our school community is committed to producing world-class learners. “Dolphin Pride” is demonstrated throughout our school by staff, students, parents, and volunteers.

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

Welcome to Virginia Lake School!

Home of the Dolphins!

Thank you for your interest in Virginia Lake School. Our school serves a diverse population of approximately 800 students (kindergarten through sixth grade). Our school community is committed to producing world-class learners. “Dolphin Pride” is demonstrated throughout our school by staff, students, parents, and volunteers.

There is nothing more precious to you, and to us for that matter, than your children. They are our focus. They deserve our love, attention, and constant support.  Which brings me to my next thought.

A while back I read a story ... the author could not verify whether it was true or if it was an urban legend - but it doesn’t matter. The message is powerful. It begins with something like this ...

The great Albert Einstein was traveling by train. He couldn’t find his ticket even after hours of searching through his bags and his pockets. The conductor witnessed the panic and approached him saying, “Dr. Einstein, everyone knows who you are. We all know Princeton can afford to buy you another ticket.” Einstein paused and looked at the conductor with a thoughtful gaze only to reply, “Kind sir, I am not at all worried about the money. I need to find the ticket to figure out where I’m going.”

As we are immersed in another year, it is important for us to heed the words of the great Albert Einstein. Where are we going? Why are we here? What is our focus, and do we have our whole team on board? Having a collective focus is imperative as we don’t want to get lost.

At VL we have chosen to focus our work and learning around the following tenets.

  • A child surrounded by those who are empathetic and persevere is more likely to succeed.

  • A community which embraces empathy and grit more readily achieves common goals.

With a community that  provides partnership, positivity, and never-ending support, we firmly believe, with these beliefs in place, we can move mountains. Working together as a team for your children, we will not need to be searching for a ticket to where we are going.

We invite you, every day, to jump onboard the train, because we have our tickets and it is sure to be a wild ride.

We are proud of our students, staff and school and welcome the opportunity to share additional information with you. To find out more or to arrange a visit, please contact us at (847) 963-7100.

In this section:

Patti VanWinkle, VL Principal

Patti VanWinkle

Virginia Lake Elementary School Principal

Contact Us


Have a question about Virginia Lake School? We are here to help and to answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
Is this a bullying or safety concern? If yes, please use the D15 Tip Line to report your issue or concern.
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A boy in class.